
时间:2024-03-12 18:44:33   
Foreig exchage (forex) radig is a popular ivesme opio for idividuals ad isiuios worldwide. Techical aalysis is a esseial ool for forex raders o make iformed decisios. Oe popular echical idicaor used i forex radig is he KDJ idicaor. However, wha is he KDJ idicaor called i Eglish?。

Wha is he KDJ Idicaor?

The KDJ idicaor is a echical aalysis ool used o measure momeum i forex radig. I is a combiaio of hree lies - he %K lie, he %D lie, ad he J lie. These lies are used o ideify overbough ad oversold codiios i he marke, as well as poeial radig opporuiies.。

Wha is he Eglish ame for he KDJ Idicaor?

The KDJ idicaor is also kow as he Sochasic Oscillaor. I is a popular echical aalysis ool developed by George Lae i he 1950s. The Sochasic Oscillaor measures he momeum of a securiy by comparig is closig price o is price rage over a specified period.。

How o Use he Sochasic Oscillaor

The Sochasic Oscillaor cosiss of wo lies - he %K lie ad he %D lie. The %K lie is he faser lie, while he %D lie is he slower lie. Traders use he Sochasic Oscillaor o ideify overbough ad oversold codiios i he marke. Whe he %K lie crosses above he %D lie, i is a bullish sigal. Whe he %K lie crosses below he %D lie, i is a bearish sigal.。


The KDJ idicaor, also kow as he Sochasic Oscillaor, is a popular echical aalysis ool used i forex radig. I measures momeum i he marke ad helps raders ideify poeial overbough ad oversold codiios. By udersadig he Sochasic Oscillaor, raders ca make iformed decisios ad improve heir chaces of success i forex radig.。

Tags: KDJ idicaor, Sochasic Oscillaor, forex radig, echical aalysis, momeum, overbough, oversold。

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